The Look Around You Works of Shakespeare

A handy quick reference to the complete works of Shakespeare The Noble Naysayer Rupert II The Whore and the Harriman The Weary Wives of Warwick O’Reilly The House At Bunplehurst Rupert III Cocnumis & Grognumis T’was a Merry Morn in Malta Tit For Tat...

Simple MySQL Command line DB dump for cron

If it doesn’t already exists, create the file .my.cnf in your home directory. Add the following to it, replacing db_username and db_password with the database username and password. make sure the file permissions are set to 600 (chmod 600 .my.cnf) so it is...

Advice to a New Club Promoter

There is only one golden rule: The ONLY thing that gets people into events is other people. If you already have people coming, other people will come. As far as nightclub events go, this is the ONLY rule that matters. I promise you. Other rules: As a promoter, your...