To he SOLD by AUCTION, Br Mr. R. C. Rawling.
On Monday, the 11th day of June, 1877, at the White Horse Inn, in West Street. Boston, 7 o’clock the Evening, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced, all that convenient and substantially-built
Dwelling-house and shop, with the back Yard and Premises thereto adjoining, being No. 40, in West Street, Boston, aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mr. Frederick Hutson, tailor.
The above Property contains convenient front Shop with plate-glass window, back Kitchen, and commodious Yard and Out-offices, and Three Bedrooms. The whole a substantial and well-built Property, in commanding situation in the best part of West Street, and offers excellent opportunity for small Tradesman.
A purchaser can supplied with the purchase-money at average rate of interest.
For further particulars apply the Office of MR. B. H. DYER, Boston, Solicitor to the Mortgagees. Boston, 25th May, 1877.